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Meridian Jr High School



The Stillman Valley FFA Chapter in cooperation with the Stillman Valley Lions Club will again sponsor a Grain and Horticulture Show at this year’s Fall Festival. 


The show will be held Saturday, at the Meridian Junior High School. Entries will be accepted on Saturday, from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. only. Judging will be from 10:30 a.m. until approximately noon. Judging will be closed to the public. Cash prizes and ribbons will be given to the top three exhibits in each category. 


Exhibitors will be limited to one entry per category. 


Vegetables should be exhibited on a paper plate. Classes to be judged are as follows: 
Vegetables: (vegetables are to be exhibited on a paper plate) 1 Acorn Squash, 1 Butternut Squash, 3 ears sweet corn, 5 lima beans, 10 green beans, 10 wax beans, 5 beets, 1 Green Cabbage, 1 Red Cabbage, 1 Cabbagelargest head, 5 carrots, 5 Brussel Sprouts, 5 cucumbers, 1 Eggplant, 1 Muskmelon, 5 White Onions, 5 Red Onions, 5 Yellow Onions, 5 Parsnips, 3 Peppers, 5 Red Potatoes, 5 White Potatoes, 1 Pie Pumpkin, 1 Pumpkin Largest, 5 Tomatoes, 1 Summer Squash, 5 Turnips, Most Unusual Vegetable, 5 Okra, 5 of any small vegetable not listed above, 1 of any large vegetable not listed above. 
Best Display of Garden Vegetables: This includes at least 7 vegetables from the listed vegetables above.
Fruits: 10 Red Raspberries, 5 Whitney Crabs, 5 Red Delicious Apples, 5 Golden Delicious Apples, 5 Any other variety of apple, 5 Plums, 5 Pears, 5 peaches, 1 Bunch Grapes, 1 of any fruit not listed above. 


Grain: 1 Gallon Shelled Corn, 1 Gallon Soybeans, 1 Gallon Oats, 1 Gallon Wheat, 1 Gallon of any other grain not listed above, 10 Ears of Old Corn, Best Stalk of Corn, Best Stalk of Soybeans 


Forage: Sample of Grass Hay, Sample of Alfalfa Hay, Sample Of Mixed Hay, Sample of Straw any variety, Sample of any other forage not listed above. 


Flowers: Cut Flowers, Hanging Baskets, Roses, African Violets, Foliage Plants, Glads, House Plants, Arrangements. Any flower that is grown by the entrant is eligible to be shown. 


Classes will be formed at the show. Ribbons and prize money will be distributed to entrants immediately following the parade on Sunday. Entries that are not picked up by 5 p.m. will be discarded.

© 2023 by Brad Hollandsworth

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